Backend Helpers | Automation and Software Development for Cloud Applicationses

Introduction to HashiCorp Terraform

Terraform is a framework for managing infrastructure as code. It includes different providers such as Amazon Web Services , Google Cloud , Microsoft Azure , among others. In this post we will cover a brief introduction to terraform by creating and destroying an AWS S3 bucket.


You will need to download the Right version for your system. Keep in mind that you will download a zipped file. You need to unzipped and place it in a directory included in your $PATH variable. You can verify the installation with the following command:

terraform --help

Bucket Creation

In the following steps we are going to create a terraform file and we will define our first AWS resource by using Amazon Web Services (AWS) provider

Step 1: Setup your credentials

You can configure your AWS credentials by setting up the environment variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY. In this link you will find additional information about how to setup these two variables.

Step 2: Create your first terraform resource

Create a file named . This file will include the definition for a S3 bucket:

              provider "aws" {}

              resource "aws_s3_bucket" "b" {
                bucket = ""
                acl    = "private"
                region = "eu-west-1"

                tags = {
                  Name        = "MyBucket"
                  Environment = "Development"

Step 3: Initialize Your Working Directory

The command terraform init initializes your working directory:

Step 4: Create a S3 Bucket

Run terraform apply in order to create a S3 bucket:

Step 5: Destroy a Resource

The command terraform destroy will destroy the S3 you just create previously: